Christos delivered an external seminar hosted by the Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation at the University of Glasgow, presenting recent research activities of the…
RSC/EPR Invited Lecture
Christos has been invited to present his latest research at the Annual International Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) EPR conference taking place in Manchester, between…
Royal Society of Chemistry ESR Talk
Christos presented a talk on how to tackle mechanical sensing and address the “lipid moves first” hypothesis using the PELDOR/DEER methodology at the University of…
CMR meeting presentation
Haris will present an overview of his PhD research project at the 8th Annual meeting of the St Andrews Centre of Magnetic Resonance (CMR). His…
Presentation at the RSC/ESR conference
Christos will give a presentation at the 51st RSC/ESR conference at QML University of London, between 8-12 April 2018. His talk will take place on the…
Bolin and Mary arrivals
We welcome two new PhD students in the Pliotas group. Bolin Wang and Mary Ma, originally from China have just joined the group to work…
Eastchem colloquia talk
Christos will be giving an overview of the research that is being carried out in his group in the Eastchem colloquia series. The talk will take place…
Invited talk at the Biology Research Away Day
Christos presented an invited talk at the school of “Biology Research Away Day”. In his talk, which took place at the main lecture theatre of the Medical…
Invited talk at the ECM-30
Christos is giving a talk as an invited speaker at the 30th European Crystallographic Association conference (ECM-30). The international conference is taking place from the 28th of August…
Invited talk at the 6th CMR meeting
Christos is giving an invited talk at the St Andrews Centre of Magnetic Resonance (CMR) 6th annual meeting. His talk entitled “Investigation of the gating…