In our recent article published in the journal Structure (Cell Press) entitled: “The mechanosensitive channel YbiO has a conductance equivalent to the largest gated-pore“ we…
Review in Current Opinion in Chemical Biology
In our recent review published in the journal Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, entitled: “Enabling structural biological electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy in membrane proteins through…
Research article in eLife
In our recent article published in the journal eLife, entitled: “Conformational dynamics and asymmetry in multimodal inhibition of membrane-bound pyrophosphatases” we used PELDOR (or DEER)…
Research article in Structure
In our recent article published in the journal Structure (Cell Press), entitled: “Monitoring the conformational ensemble and lipid environment of a mechanosensitive channel under cyclodextrin-induced…
Research article in Angewandte Chemie
In our recent article published in the premier journal Angewandte Chemie, in collaboration with Sheena Radford and Neil Ranson et al in the Astbury Centre,…
Research report in Channels
A new research article by the Pliotas Lab in collaboration with the Diallinas Lab has been published in the journal Channels. In the study entitled…
Research article in STAR Protocols
A new research article has been published by the Pliotas group in the journal STAR Protocols (Cell Press). In the study entitled “HDX-guided EPR spectroscopy…
Research article in Structure
A new research article by the Pliotas group has been published in the journal Structure. In the study entitled “Pocket delipidation induced by membrane tension…
RSC chapter on EPR
Our new book chapter entitled “Using pulsed EPR in the structural analysis of integral membrane proteins, has now been published online, in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance…
Paper in Biophys J
A research article by the Pliotas group has been recently published in the Biophysical Journal. In the study entitled “In-Lipid Structure of Pressure-Sensitive Domains Hints…