The annual BSRC research retreat took place at the Firbush outdoor activities centre on the banks of Loch Tay in late August. The Pliotas group…
New research article on Kef channel
A new research article was published last week in the journal Biochemistry. The study presents a new x-ray crystal structure of the regulatory domain of the Kef…
Eastchem colloquia talk
Christos will be giving an overview of the research that is being carried out in his group in the Eastchem colloquia series. The talk will take place…
Collaborative research article
Our new collaborative paper on transmission electron microscopy of lipid rich nanoparticles, such as nanodiscs, bicelles and liposomes, has been published online this week, in the…
Invited talk at the Biology Research Away Day
Christos presented an invited talk at the school of “Biology Research Away Day”. In his talk, which took place at the main lecture theatre of the Medical…
Review article on mechanosensation
A new invited review article entitled: “Spectator no more, the role of the membrane in regulating ion channel function“, focusing on mechanosensation, has been published online…
Public outreach talk at Fife College
Christos will be giving a general talk to students at 1pm on the 7th of December at Fife College (Stenton Campus) in Glenrothes, Fife. He will present…
New PhD studentships
Two new 4-year PhD funded positions are now open in our group. The first studentship is for Chinese nationals only (details here) and the second studentship is for UK…
New arrivals
We welcome three new final-year students in our group. Abi Collins, Matthew O’Connor and Anna Morton will undertake their Hons research projects, on membrane proteins, in the Pliotas…
Invited talk at the ECM-30
Christos is giving a talk as an invited speaker at the 30th European Crystallographic Association conference (ECM-30). The international conference is taking place from the 28th of August…